Could I ask a question?
You talked about joining the NAACP branch. And even getting on the Board of Directors. How did that happen?
Well, it started with making friends with the leaders. Reverend Warner T. and Sam G.
But, as you can imagine, others on the Board weren’t too sure.
So I waited outside the Board room while Sam talked to the members. Pleaded my case, you might say. And the result was they accepted me on the Board. And eventually as Vice President.
So you were accepted by the black Board members?
Let me tell you about an incident that showed me that I was accepted. That I fit in.
Several of us Board members — maybe 6 or 7 — were gathered in the President’s home. We were to be visited by an official from NAACP Headquarters. Back then the headquarters office was in New York.
The official who came down was the National Treasurer.
We happened to be gathered in two groups. I was with Johnnie S. and two others. The National Treasurer was talking with the other group.
Then he turned to us and called, “Okay if I join you fellas?” And the Treasurer, who was white, started toward us. Johnnie called back, “Sure. Come over and integrate this group.”
Then I heard Johnnie turn to the guy next to him and say, “I forgot Spence is white.”