Radio Volunteer

The other day I got to thinking about other types of volunteering.


And I recalled a time when I combined a hobby with volunteering.

What was that?

You may remember I had an interest in radio.  From when I was a kid and radios were big and clunky things.


Well, in my later years I joined an old-time-radio club.  The Golden Radio Buffs of Maryland.


At our club meetings we would re-create the kind of radio programs that were popular back in, say, the 1940s.  But we also took them on the road, so to speak.

Such as?

Did you ever hear of Sorry, Wrong Number?

I think so.

It was an eerie movie that starred Barbara Stanwyck.

But it was also done as a radio show, so there was a cassette tape available.

And one of our club members transcribed it.  Typed it with each character’s voice identified.  So our members could read from the script and re-create the broadcast., just as the professionals would do in a radio studio.

And we would visit a nursing home.  Where there would be older residents who would remember the old days of radio drama.

In that show I played a New York cop who took a phone call from the worried wife.  For that I drew on my best “Noo Yawk” accent.

It seemed to go over pretty well.