Last time you talked about your volunteering with a radio club.
Right. An old-time-radio club. Called The Golden Radio Buffs of Maryland.
But it had a sister organization, and I was involved with that too.
And that was …?
The Movie Buffs of Maryland.
What did they do?
We were a bunch who liked old movies. And once a month on Saturday night we’d show and watch an old classic.
One of our members had been a projectionist at a Baltimore movie theater, and he had quite a collection of 16-millimeter films. We’d pick s different one each month.
And what did you do>
As usual, I did the newsletter. Which served also as a program for the night. I’d research the movie and write a description. Include pictures from it. I had a number of books that helped. And what I didn’t have the library would have. And I’d do the publicity to attract people outside the club.
Sounds like fun.
Sure. And like the movie theaters do sometimes, I played movie music for a while before the showing. I had a collection of LPs of movie soundtracks.
My stereo system let me play a portion of a record and transcribe it to an audio cassette.
Then I could bring a portable cassette player — a boom box, if you will — to our meeting and play movie soundtracks while the audience was getting its refreshments for the evening.