Before, I talked about the AARP chapter. The local level. And you know about the national organization.
But there’s also a state-level organization, and I want to talk about that and how I got involved.
It’s called AARP-Maryland. And it exists to help the chapters and to involve volunteers in Maryland activities.
Well, when I was President — the second time, I think — the staff of the state organization set up a conference at an area hotel. The Presidents and their spouses were invited.
There was discussion of various issues, and then we just relaxed around the pool.
I was sitting there, minding my own business, when I noticed a photographer wandering around the pool. Snapping a picture now and then.
So you stopped minding your own business?
Yeah, that was about it. Couldn’t resist asking what he was up to.
And it turned out he was the staff person from the state office in charge of communications. Name was Phil J. We talked for a while. Then he asked me if I would be interested in volunteering on the state level.
Took me by surprise. He said the position would be Media Specialist. What was that, I asked. Had to do with various forms of communications.
Writing press releases. News stories. Newsletter. And coaching other chapters how to do those things.
What did you say?
I wasn’t too sure I wanted to take it on. After all, I was already a chapter President. So I didn’t commit myself.
Apparently Phil tipped off the chief volunteer of AARP-Maryland, Director Edna B., because she intercepted me as I headed for the elevator to go to my room.
She gave me the pitch again. How important the job was. How I would be a good fit. Et cetera.
And I gave in. The job did sound interesting. And the kind of thing I liked to do. So I attended the next meeting of their Leadership Council.
The equivalent of a Board of Directors. They officially installed me as Media Specialist.
The national organization held occasional Orientation Conferences, where they would invite all the recently recruited state-level volunteers. All expenses paid. The one I attended was in Long Beach, California.
Lasted several days. General sessions and then breakout sessions according to your volunteer position. Mine, of course, was Media Specialist.
Not bad.
Yeah, it helped me to get started. Don’t know if they still do it. I know money got tighter after that.