Williamsburg, Virginia

On a trip to Williamsburg, Virginia, we enjoyed the colonial atmosphere they’ve preserved.


That’s The Magazine in the background.

And in the Raleigh Tavern they were baking gingerbread.


When you’re out on the street, you can’t help noticing the horse-drawn carriages going by.

wmb carriage

I see the driver is in costume.

Oh, yeah.  That’s the charm of the place.  And in the shops too.  For instance, we visited a blacksmith’s shop.

wmb blacksmith

And there was a barrel-maker.  Called a cooper.

wmb cooper

Of course, we had to stop for coffee.  At Christiana Campbell’s Tavern, if you’re keeping score.


But I think the most fun was when we stopped and talked on the street with a couple of the guys in costume.  We got into character too.  I told them we were from Maryland, but that I was originally from the New York colony.

wmb colonistis

.What if you had been originally from, say, California?

Well, that would have ruined the illusion, I guess.  But, in our case, it worked out well.