I’d like to talk about my magnifying glass.
Magnifying glass?
Yes, and an inexperience one. Plastic handle and rim. Glass diameter no more than 2 inches or so. Probably got it at the dime store.
And you looked at things with it?
Sometimes. But what intrigued me was the way it could concentrate the sun’s light — and heat — in one small spot.
It became a prized possession for me. I carried it around in my pocket. And other kids would admire it too. Like this kid — I can’t remember his name — who watched me burn a hole in a leaf. At least that’s what it looks like.
And here’s another photo. Looks like I was maybe burning my name into a piece of tree branch.
Who took the photos?
I’m not sure. These two were 8 by 10 prints that the photographer gave me/
Yeah. And he obviously knew what he was doing. See how he positioned his camera so that my face was profiled in front of the sunlit background?
And you don’t know who he or she was?
No. I’m guessing it may have been Joey M. Older brother of one of my friends. He took an interest in us kids. He would take us out for a ride in his car, which had a rumble seat. Know what that is?
Back in the 1930s, when these photos were taken, some cars had rumble seats, which were extra seats that opened up back where the trunk would normally go.
Open air.
Yeah. It was fun. Anyway, my best guess is that Joey took the pictures.