Grable’s “Dolly” Wowed the Audience

You’ve heard of Betty Grable?

Movie actress?  Long time ago?

Well, not too long ago.  At least not by my standards.

She was a star of Hollywood musicals in the 1940s.   Took to the stage in her later years.   And, as they say, she “brought down the house” by adding a personal touch to her title role in Hello Dolly.

Tell me.

I experienced it in 1967 when she played the newly opened Morris Mechanic Theater in Baltimore.


You’re too young to remember, but arguably the most popular pinup picture during World War 2 was a black-and-white photo of Grable in a one-piece bathing suit, hands on hips, turned away from the camera, and looking back at you.


I’ve seen that photo.

During her “Dolly” performance, Grable received considerable applause during her curtain call.


But she had received even more applause — and yelling and whistling — during the show when, singing the title song, she sang “Wow, wow, wow, fellas.” — then tore away her flowing gown, turned away from the audience, looked back at us, hands on hips in a one-piece bathing suit, and sang “Look at the old girl now, fellas.”


The audience liked it?

The place went wild.

Apparently, the audience thought the old girl still looked pretty good.