You brought a portrait with you. What is that?
Actually, I’m not sure.
It was tucked into the back of my Bucknell yearbook. So I’m thinking it was a photo I attached to my job applications.
You look serious.
Yeah. Maybe it was to persuade employers that I wasn’t one of those wild-partying college kids. I don’t know.
Anyway, I’d like to talk about what I did after graduation.
I had several job interviews, but I was mostly attracted to Westinghouse. Because of their reputation. And also because of their training program.
What was that?
A person could go to work immediately at one of their plants, and one guy in my engineering class did that. But I went with what they called their Graduate Student Program, or GSP. A kind of work-study program.
How did that go?
Well, first I had to fly to Pittsburgh.
That’s where they have their Educational Center. Actually, it’s in the suburb of Wilkensburg.
At the Center, after some general orientation, which all GSP rookies got, we each chose one of three directions: sales, engineering, or manufacturing. I picked manufacturing. I thought it sounded most interesting.
Much of it had to do with assembly lines.
And testing circuits.
And quality control.
In general, it involved solving problems wherever equipment was being built.
I’ll leave it at that. Next time I’ll get into specifics.