The Maryland NAACP

Up to now I’ve been talking about our local branch of the NAACP.,


But there was also a way for local branches to get together.  It’s the Maryland Conference of NAACP Branches.  Each of the counties was,  and still is, encouraged to join the State Conference.

My Anne Arundel County branch joined, and I was our representative at the state level.

We would usually meet in Baltimore since the city was pretty much in the center of things.

And the city had its beautiful Inner Harbor.

Well, that was before the harbor was developed.  But we still had some good meetings.

What did you do?

Mainly it was to learn and exchange ideas.  To find out what was working and what wasn’t.  For instance, we would have speakers.


Or we might have workshops on various subjects.

Did you take part?

In the discussion.  Sure.  But often I was tapped to take notes.

And then of course report them to the group at the summary stage.

It was a worthwhile use of my time and effort.